Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot Mess

Things have been insane.  It's not that I have had nothing to write about, but I had zero time and no Internet access at my new home to write something.  But things have changed.  I now have the Internet, a loaned laptop, and a few spare minutes. 

I have officially split with my husband.  We are now in separate homes, two and a half hours away from each other.  I have been feeling a lot better than I thought I would.  It's amazing the comfort that my four kids can provide.  I also LOVE my new house.  We are all adjusting quite well and I love my much shorter commute to work.

What's new?  Hmmmmm.....tons.  I'll start with the awesome.  There is a two year old on my lap as I write this so my time is dwindling.  Damn.  Oh, there is a Whole Foods.  I love Whole Foods.  I love that it is finally HOT.  I love summer!!  I love spending more time with my children.  I don't love them just because they are my children, but because they are funny, interesting, intelligent, sweet, and did I mention they are FUNNY?  Well, at least my oldest two children.  We are still waiting on my twins to start talking but that's a whole different story.  I love them anyway.  I love my house.  I love personalizing it, it grows on me more and more each day.  I love cooking something everyday and eating it with my kids.  I am enjoying the small things and looking forward to the future.

The not so awesome.  I didn't have my trash can faced the 'right' way and my very full garbage was not picked up this week.  My trash can also became a fly haven and we all know what happens when flies discover trash.  That's right, I got a trash can full of maggots.  Disgusting.  I definitely won't miss trash day ever.  Lesson learned at least.  I am also broke.  Actually broke is putting it nicely.  Too many bills, not enough money, too much work.  I have been working 6 nights a week.  I can't wait until I can cut back to five nights a week and spend more time with my kids.  I am exhausted most of the time.  It can be tough having to do everything yourself, without a partner to help you.  My husband is a great help, but we live far away from each other.  There is nobody to help give baths, make dinner, clean, it all falls on me.  It's tough.  It never feels like I have enough time.  Now, one of my two year olds is playing with my lamp.  He's so cute.  I am going to let him play with my cell phone so I can finish this post.....okay, I'm finished.   


  1. I love Whole Foods too, wish they were more budget friendly but you totally get what you pay for and you can taste the difference for sure. I hear you on the not enough time. I wish it could be bottled and sold, I'd buy tons... well, that and sleep.

  2. You're right K, and I see why they call it "Whole Paycheck." I buy what I can, and I don't get everything from WF.

  3. The next place we move will have a Trader Joe's - more fab even than Whole Foods...congrats of the cute new house and the awesome kids - they are so of luck and get some sleep ;0

  4. Sounds like things are improving, and the money will work itself out eventually. Good food always helps! I recommend giving the oldest two more responsibilities at home to help you out!
