Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eat Crap and Die

No, I don't want anyone to eat crap and die.  It is just my idea of a funny title.  I'm so witty.  Really, I wanted to call it, "Eat s*@! and die, but this is a family blog so I will take it easy on the profanities.  Anyway, my husband bought these cookies home from the store a few weeks ago. 

Some Chips Ahoy cookies.  I never buy Chips Ahoy cookies.  I think they are a travesty to the chocolate chip cookie and I would be embarrassed to have them in my shopping cart.  I would be much more likely to buy Oreos, or some Tollhouse break n' bake sort of cookies, or some cookies from the store bakery, or get off my ass and make a batch myself (this is rare).  But I would never consider buying Chip's Ahoy when there are so many better tasting options.  I had never seen this particular flavor before, and I can honestly say that I hated them before I even tried them.  I just couldn't imagine these cookies being any good, and whenever a cookie is being sold as "soft," or "chewy," they may as well put "Taste like ass!," on the package. 

Against my better judgement, I gave it a try.  My husband and the kids said they were "delicious."  I was still very skeptical.  I bit into a cookie.  Its was definitely fudge filled.  I couldn't swallow it.  It tasted like chocolaty plastic.  I swear I could taste the chemicals in it.  I spit it out in the sink. 

I do hate Chip's Ahoy but I'm hardly a foodie.  I wish I was, then perhaps I would eat better.  I want to eat better.  I want to feed my children real wholesome food, free from chemicals.  I don't feel right eating food that I wonder if NASA made.  My husband doesn't feel that way.  He thinks it's too expensive.  I mean where we live, the VERY FEW organic items sold at our grocery are VERY expensive.  But I also believe that there are some things in life that you can't buy cheap, and some things in life you really don't want to buy cheap.  It's easy to buy cheap food because you don't see the effects that the cheap food is doing to your body and your planet immediately.  To me, good food is worth paying for.

One good thing about our separation will be my chance to experiment.  I can buy organic without my husband balking at the price or rolling his eyes.  I will be forced to give up all the convenience food crap that my children and myself eat.  My food budget just won't allow for great food and overpriced garbage.  I will have to use my oven everyday.  I won't give up sweets or indulgences.  I will make the sweets myself.

Or I could continue to eat crap.    


  1. Well, I won't be buying any chips ahoy that's for sure. Yes, it would be better and cheaper for you take homemade cookies. There are many quick and easy cookie recipes that are delicious--muffins and shortbreads too.

    Good luck in feeding your family healthier foods. You don't necessary need to focus on organic but on whole and natural, buying the least processed foods as possible.

  2. I'm gonna steer clear of these!

    Props to you for attempting the healthy route...I need to do the same...but, but, I have to? ;)

  3. I know what you mean by "tasting the chemicals." Yuck.

    I recommend seeing if there is a weekend farmer's market nearby you. They tend to be cheaper and better than the grocery store. We love our local market, and more are popping up -- even in the cities.
