Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eat Crap and Die 2

Totino's pizza and their delicious pizza rolls.  I can say that I'm not a fan.  I LOVE pizza so I can eat this "pizza" when no other options are available, but I have to put a ton of extra cheese on it to be able to eat it.  Adding the cheese only makes it a bit more tolerable, so I rarely eat a Totino's pizza.  Putting extra, extra cheese on an already terrible piece of "food," is never a good idea either. 

I never bought these pizzas, but my husband likes them and my kids LOVE them.  In fact, it's their favorite kind of frozen pizza.  I never really liked them as a kid, but my stepmother would buy them (they are cheap and easy) and I always ate them anyway because it was pizza.  Sort of.  I don't like the pizza rolls either and I can say that Totino's falls into the "Embarrassed to have in my shopping cart" category.  Totino's never have any cheese on the damn things and I think they just taste weird.  The meat tastes weird, the crust tastes weird, and the pizza looks weird.

I hate Totino's website.  It's all "Hey!  Be sure to stock up on on these sodium filled crappy snacks so your kiddos can eat them when they get home!"  I know it's just advertising and we all need to be responsible for what we put in our bodies and what we put in our children's bodies.  I'm not a food nazi and my kids eat their fair share of crap.  I just hate it when crap tries to weasel its way in as a good idea.  A mom stocking up on pizza rolls and doling it out for an afterschool snack even twice a week seems like a terrible idea.

More crap to come later.

1 comment:

  1. I too like pizzas but not a fan of it, since occasionally i eat. more pizza is not good for health, which is my cousins favorable.
